
Request Uber for your friends

View the Project on GitHub prt2121/summon


Kotlin/Robovm Contest Grand Prize Winner

Go Cross-Platform with Kotlin! November 25 to December 14 2015 by RoboVM and JetBrains

Summon allows you to request Uber for your friends so you can invite your friends to your place! Your invited friends don't even need Summon to accept or reject the invite.

The whole stack is written in Kotlin language by JetBrains. iOS and Android apps are built with RoboVM. (iOS version is still a work in progress. 2 weeks is just too short!)

Backend code is at prt2121/invite-backend. It's deployed on heroku. I use Kotlin + Spring Boot + MongoDB

Frontend code is at prt2121/invite-app. It's also written in Kotlin with Yested framework and compiled to JavaScript.

The app idea is shamelessly stolen from teleportapp.

Required API KEYs
Screen records : 1, 2
Android Screenshots

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iOS Screenshots

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Web App

web app 01 web app 02